Enduring Movember

By now most of us are familiar with “Movember“. If not, where have you been?? It’s the prostate awareness and fundraising campaign that’s become popular all over the world. It’s a great cause, but ladies, are you feeling my pain? I’ve been living with a cop from the 80s for just about a month now, and I’m ready for him to leave! While there’s no denying the sex appeal of Tom Selleck’s stache, I just can’t seem to get cozy with the bristle brush atop my honey’s lip….looking forward to December and the revival of the razor blade!….How do you feel about the moustache in your life?

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  • Carmen

    Oh my! He let you take a photo, Viv?. Hilarious 😉ReplyCancel

  • I know! …though I think there’s a bit of pride lurking in that smirk :)!ReplyCancel

  • Katie

    Ooh la la! Look at that sexy mustache!! Wayne is sporting one too! Don’t know about you Viv, but we can’t have a serious conversation without me bursting into fits of giggles! Bring on December!ReplyCancel